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November 15, 2002 04:35 am ET - research by BruteSquad, BigPope
11/14 - LoA Server Publish Announcement
The following publishes were announced or discovered on the LoA server on 11/14:
  • Bone chip monster's spawn changes, so they will spawn more often (Singing Island and Hidden Valley)
  • Gem prices are about 1/10 of what they are on the other servers, when sold to an NPC (eg. 50 for sapphire)
  • The experience lost when you die has been decreased to about 1/2 what it is on the other servers (5-6% per death)
  • The MP discount is not active on the LoA server (Fire arrow costs 3 mp even for 18 int mages)
  • Health Potions (which look like reds, but are not) are level 10 and below item only.
  • Glarielle, the darkelf boss, is around Baphomet strength.
  • The Grim Reaper, now a boss level monster, unlike during the Halloween Event, is above Baphomet in strength..
  • Enchant Scrolls are being sold only in regions that are "magic" regions. (ex. Oren)
  • Werldern will be an area where weapons are bought/sold/traded/crafted.
Also, there was a reminder that Lump of Metal, used for the newbie rings, was not the same as Lump of Iron. This was done to prevent the harvesting of iron from newbie areas.

November 15, 2002 04:43 am ET (#2)
Loyal Fan

22 posts

first post woot

November 15, 2002 04:45 am ET (#3)
Loyal Fan

22 posts

hmm loa sounds like fun... and i like the death percent change

November 15, 2002 04:46 am ET (#4)
Loyal Fan

127 posts

this is a very good idea...different cities specialize in certain items. Third post....I think it will bring diversity to the land of Aden and will make it so there is not one main city for trade *cough* *Giran*.

November 15, 2002 04:52 am ET (#5)
Loyal Fan

134 posts

this makes, guess what?, igg the uber castel ^^ weldern and oren both go to it, zels/dais from oren, weaps/armor/crafting/traded from weldern ^^ igg gonna be best, giran gonna be like kent lmao.

November 15, 2002 05:09 am ET (#6)
Loyal Fan

86 posts

then weldern will become.... the next giran and giran will be abandon like orc town

November 15, 2002 05:15 am ET (#7)
Loyal Fan

63 posts

hmmmmm i wonder what those new bosses drop?

November 15, 2002 05:29 am ET (#8)
Loyal Fan

18 posts

that potion change is odd o.0

November 15, 2002 06:14 am ET (#9)
Loyal Fan

481 posts

mmm.... how do they make all the trading business to be done in werldern o.o;?
so.... can't use /trade anywhere else?

November 15, 2002 06:51 am ET (#10)
Loyal Fan

2 posts

The gems prices are stupid... -.-
why do they reduce the price????

November 15, 2002 08:37 am ET (#11)
Loyal Fan

260 posts

Some of these changes are nice, but some of them just seem strange. I don't want to have to go to specific towns to buy certain items. It's also funny that jewels sell for so little now.

November 15, 2002 08:54 am ET (#12)
Loyal Fan

74 posts

i have killed that skeleton boss over 20 times and i havent got the bone chip
-_- is that normal?

November 15, 2002 09:20 am ET (#13)
Loyal Fan

166 posts

hmm good ideas, i lke this idea of specialized town

November 15, 2002 09:30 am ET (#14)
Loyal Fan

66 posts

LoA is supposed to make the game easier for newbies, right? I don't see how lowering gem prices helps newbies.

November 15, 2002 09:44 am ET (#15)
Loyal Fan

148 posts

they r prob aiming for that "teamwork" u have to sell gems to each other

they r molding the game so u do wut they want lol~ like i think making global 90+ makes it so no1 races to 30, they want people to test out the newby stuff..

November 15, 2002 10:33 am ET (#16)
Loyal Fan

1155 posts

0.o weird

November 15, 2002 10:46 am ET (#17)
Loyal Fan

101 posts

The gem price is wierd!
Giran will still be a crowded town don't forget Giran has houses, and if u want condensed pots or buy braves,from shop, Giran is the town!!
I like the new bosses, wonder if DElf boss summons elementals like Bapho summons mops too.
Ill have to try it maybe ill play on new server.
Dang it hurts to leave my friends on Ken.
Oh well^^

November 15, 2002 10:55 am ET (#18)
Loyal Fan

12 posts

Well if most people doesn't hesitate moving... the rest will follow, you know, the thing is that this new server will allow them not to be kept within the boundaries of Korean servers, they will be able to change things to pleases us more... Have you noticed about how many more mages there are... and I think there will still be more mages after whipe... besides no ones seems to be complaining about that.

This is going to be a great server.

November 15, 2002 11:14 am ET (#19)
Loyal Fan

101 posts

I will try it and see by myself^^
Hope they make dragons easyer too. If we can't kill them why keep them in the game lol that is bs. -.-

November 15, 2002 11:17 am ET (#20)
Loyal Fan

154 posts

wow, this server is really getting different...

November 15, 2002 11:47 am ET (#21)
Loyal Fan

94 posts

I dislike the fact that there is no MP discount, and the SOM has not returned mages need one or the other. Even with 1mp Ebolt it still takes for ever to regen mana even in an Inn. Also where on HV/SI do you get the gems to make the rings, and where do you make just a plain ring?

November 15, 2002 11:47 am ET (#22)
Loyal Fan

94 posts

I dislike the fact that there is no MP discount, and the SOM has not returned mages need one or the other. Even with 1mp Ebolt it still takes for ever to regen mana even in an Inn. Also where on HV/SI do you get the gems to make the rings, and where do you make just a plain ring?

November 15, 2002 01:21 pm ET (#23)
Loyal Fan

36 posts

hey guys....i got banned from pics section lol some idiot siad i wasnt Elementz anyways is Amaterus the godess of sun?

November 15, 2002 01:22 pm ET (#24)
Loyal Fan

36 posts

Amaterus ni hao ma?? shi la ni de rien?...

November 15, 2002 02:07 pm ET (#25)
Loyal Fan

320 posts

I got a bone chip with the thrid thing I killed, I had no idea what the hell this skel named Zarlok....?????
is that the right name?

Well I had no idea what he was and bam bam bam, a couple arrows and he was down. and it gave me a bone chip, but I have no idea what to do with this bone chip thing now.

As for the dragons someone mentioned, DAMN right! why have them in the game at all!!

More bosses is OK also, i like that, they need more special charcters, since so many of them were camped for like forever. They ought to have a special entrance into Winawood Cave too. That sucks that the pledge holders of the WW get to camp Beleth 24/7

November 15, 2002 03:18 pm ET (#26)
Loyal Fan

35 posts

i killed it 1 time only to get bonechip :)
didn't even realize it was a sub boss saw it killed it and got my bone :)
u can make skeleton boots with them, just make a pair of normal sandals then find the npc dunno pcise wich name and u get skeleton boots(perm haste)

November 15, 2002 04:01 pm ET (#27)
Loyal Fan

39 posts

Very few people will hunt antcaves anymore with the low gem prices, this may not be such a good idea as it will force even more people into less spaces to hunt for money. B-teles are as easy to get other places.. looks like knights are gonna be buying a lot of braves from the store.

November 15, 2002 06:49 pm ET (#28)
Loyal Fan

21 posts

Since the start of Loa beta, has NC seen any sigificant drop in log-ons to Dep, Ken or test? I like the idea of different towns for different needs. NC seems to be taking steps in the right direction to address concerns of its US customers. I'm not a mage but they seem to have a good complaint about the SOM. I may change servers...just not yet :)

SIN well DIE free

November 15, 2002 07:10 pm ET (#29)
Loyal Fan

925 posts

those bosses sound strong

wonder what they drop

November 15, 2002 07:23 pm ET (#30)
Loyal Fan

39 posts

whens the LoA wipe gonna be?

November 15, 2002 08:19 pm ET (#31)
Loyal Fan

74 posts

2nd of dec

November 15, 2002 09:20 pm ET (#32)
Loyal Fan

39 posts

I looked around Werldern and didn't find anything new except a NPC that sells weapons. :( I didn't look inside the castle though, maybe something is in there. Who knows?

The gem price thing is stupid, How is a newbie suppose to make adena now? Without the adena from gem drops, lizards and giant ants are almost worthless except for the fact that they both still drop a few good things: b-tele, HOM:H, HOMR and Large Shields. But these are too far and few between to make it worth while.

Oh well, I'm done there untill after the wipe because it's to much work to level and not make anything to show for it. And on top of that, the drops are far worse the dep or ken. :(

November 15, 2002 09:56 pm ET (#33)
Loyal Fan

925 posts

seems like the server is really meant for newbies....

once u get to lvl 10...
u're in a hell...worse than normal servers....

though they r using it to do some real testing....
like with those new bosses...
so it isn't so bad...
u play on it for a few hrs to check out...then u go back to live servers or test...

November 15, 2002 10:13 pm ET (#34)
Loyal Fan

93 posts

To bad no one can really "test" the new bosses with the amount of difficilty they make it to lvl.

November 16, 2002 12:42 am ET (#35)
Loyal Fan

481 posts

huh? what happens if you got to level 10?
why are you in hell o.o;?

November 16, 2002 03:33 am ET (#36)
Loyal Fan

18 posts

The drops are exactly like ken and dep. If you have never noticed if you play at 4 am in the moring and no one is in the area very few mops spawn and the drops suck. Its just a result of only 50 - 200 people online at the very most.

November 16, 2002 04:30 am ET (#37)
Loyal Fan

66 posts

#35, he means after you get to level 10 you're teleported off the newbie islands and it's too hard so you're basically screwed.

#36, some areas spawn more with more people, some areas do not. Those that don't are actually better at 4 am in the morning.

November 16, 2002 06:26 am ET (#38)
Loyal Fan

925 posts

maybe they should make the server be like how it was in the past
for veterans of lineage, bring back old memories
how mops gave like 2 adena and haste pots were rare
and how ppl would actually have to purchase the weapons in the store

I'm sure veterans would love that, the hardships they endured when they first started lineage re-lived hehe

November 16, 2002 07:46 am ET (#39)
Loyal Fan

260 posts

actually cowboy the wipe is december 3rd not 2nd

November 17, 2002 02:31 am ET (#40)
Loyal Fan

18 posts

Anyone notice how bad the drop of Cursed Ettin is? I killed him 2 times and got 2 red keys and 100 adena for it... Actually as an Elf it is very easy to lvl ^^.
Granted as a mage and knight it does take a while.

Oh and I don't know if it was just a fluke but I got a saphire from a dwarf in HV.

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